If you are experiencing problems logging-in here are some things you can try that may solve it.
Try suggestions 1 and 2 first and see if that works:
- Check that you are not accidentally entering a space anywhere, the system sees these as characters.
- The site uses Cookies to move you from page to page, make sure your browser is allowing Cookies:
If you are using Microsoft's IE browser
- click TOOLS on top menu of browser
- select the SECURITY tab and set the slider level to MEDIUM-HIGH
- select the PRIVACY tab and set the slider level to MEDIUM
- click APPLY and then OK to close the Internet Options pop-up
If you are using the Fire Fox browser
- click TOOLS on top menu of browser
- select OPTIONS
- select the PRIVACY tab
- make sure all the ACCEPT COOKIES boxes are ticked
- click OK to close the Options pop-up
For all other Internet Browsers please see their help page for accepting cookies.
- Delete your old Cookies and Temporary Internet files.
If you are using Microsoft's IE browser
- click TOOLS on top menu of browser
- click DELETE button in middle of the pop-up window
- for Temporary Internet files: click DELETE FILES
- for cookies: click DELETE COOKIES
- click CLOSE to close the delete history window and OK to close the Internet Options pop-up
If you are using the Fire Fox browser
- click TOOLS on top menu of browser
- make sure CACHE is ticked
- make sure COOKIES is ticked
- click the CLEAR PRIVATE DATA NOW button
For all other Internet Browsers please see their help page for deleting old cookies/files.
(You may need to close and reopen your browser.)